• Sat. Jun 29th, 2024

The Peace Plan of the Ukrainian People


Jun 4, 2023

Ladies and gentlemen, dear comrades!

The Ukrainian Party «Derzhava», banned by the neo-Nazi government of Zelensky and NATO in Ukraine, calls to governments, political parties, trade unions and public organizations of different countries.

The war going on in Ukraine and unleashed by the aggressive imperialist neo-Nazi bloc NATO causes direct economic damage to the peoples of the world. NATO in Ukraine is mercilessly exterminating the Russian-speaking population, killing Russians, Russian-Ukrainians, women, the elderly, and children.

Of particular concern are the continued attempts of the Ukrainian Zelensky government to turn the conflict into a nuclear war using uranium, depleted uranium, dirty bombs and attempts to obtain and use intercontinental nuclear weapons. Thus, the neo-Nazis of Zelensky’s and NATO put humanity on the verge of a nuclear catastrophe.

Repeated international calls to the Zelensky government for a peaceful resolution to the conflict are purposefully ignored by the neo-Nazi government of Ukraine. The people of Ukraine expressed their distrust of the government of Zelensky and by a large-scale vote (with more than 5 million and four hundred thousand votes), confirmed the need to bring him to justice for the genocide and betrayal of the Ukrainian people.

For the speedy cessation of hostilities, and to stop the movement towards the 3rd World War, and nuclear war, the Representative Office of Ukrainian People puts forward its “Peace Plan of the Ukrainian People”.

We ask you to consider this document and take the necessary measures to implement this plan as soon as possible.

The party «Derzhava» supports the “Peace Plan” in every possible way, deeming it especially important to respond to the importance of the implementation without any conditions or delays.

International Department of the Party «Derzhava».

Peace plan of the Ukrainian people

Public data:

Representation of the Ukrainian people

In 2014, an anti-constitutional coup d’état took place, which was supported by NATO countries, after which a de facto civil war began with the intervention of third countries. As a result, part of the Ukrainian regions declared their independence, and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol became part of the Russian Federation, according to the decisions at the referendum.

In 2015, to pay off the hot phase of the civil war, Western countries and Russia signed the “Minsk agreements”, which “froze the conflict” for a while. For many years, the “Minsk agreements” were not systematically implemented, the reason was eventually voiced by the “guarantors of the implementation of the Minsk agreements” from Germany and France – Ms. Angela Merkel and Mr. Francois Hollande, who publicly stated that the “Minsk agreements” were needed by the Western countries for preparations for war in Ukraine.

In this regard, the facts indicate that in 2014 the state of Ukraine completely lost its sovereignty and independence, and the hybrid war of NATO countries with Russia, after the Western countries refused to comply with the Minsk agreements, from February 24, 2022, acquired the nature of the war of annihilation, in which the Ukrainian people found themselves in the role of a “hostage”. The Zelensky regime, and specifically Volodymyr Zelensky himself, having abandoned the neutral status and implementation of the Minsk agreements, betrayed the Ukrainian people and, with the support of Western countries, contributed to the start of a full-scale hybrid war between Russia and NATO countries on the territory of Ukraine, which has already led to the death of hundreds of thousands of our compatriots. In this regard, the Zelensky regime has completely lost its legitimacy.

Given the hybrid war between NATO countries and Russia on the territory of Ukraine, we, the Ukrainian people, within the framework of Article 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine, urgently created an official and legitimate Representation of the Ukrainian people with the aim of representative functions to preserve the Ukrainian people, and also held an All-Ukrainian online vote, at which The representation of the Ukrainian people has already supported millions of Ukrainians.

Taking into account the new geopolitical realities and the will of more than 10 million Ukrainians who de facto have already chosen their future together with Russia, we, the official Representation of the Ukrainian people (which, as of May

3, 2023, supported 5,548,285 citizens of Ukraine in the All-Ukrainian vote), are speaking for the detailed consideration by all parties to the conflict of the Peace Plan of the Ukrainian people.

Taking into account the objective data of the UN, more than three 3 million refugees left for Russia after February 24, 22, including Kherson, Zaporozhye, Luhansk, Donetsk regions, Sevastopol and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, de facto more than 12 million citizens of Ukraine chose a future with Russia without a war and as part of the Russian Federation, and this is approximately 20- 30% of the total Ukrainian people.

Based on the public declarations of all parties to the conflict on the territory of Ukraine, regarding the fact that their actions are dictated solely by “concern for the welfare of the Ukrainian people”, in practice, only representatives of the Russian Federation gave Ukrainians a chance to speak at a referendum about their future, giving local communities the right to hold referendums in Zaporozhye, Kherson, Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as a result of which people chose a future with Russia.

In other regions, Ukrainians were limited in the right of peoples to self- determination, which is spelled out in the UN charter, the Zelensky regime banned all opposition media, all opposition political parties fell under the ban, mass repressions and unconstitutional theft of citizens from the streets began to participate in NATO’s hybrid war with Russia.

In this regard, we, as a legitimate Representation of the Ukrainian people, to which

millions of Ukrainians have been delegated the right to represent the Ukrainian

people, in order to preserve the Ukrainian people, we demand to take into account

the opinion of millions of Ukrainians and consider the following Peace Plan of the

Ukrainian people in order to implement it as soon as possible, in order to preserve

the Ukrainian people, and peacefully resolve the conflict.

First stage:

1. Ceasefire.

Peace plan of the Ukrainian people

2. Withdrawal of NATO and other “proxy troops” from the territories of Kherson, Zaporozhye, Lugansk and Donetsk regions.

3. Unblocking the border, the elimination of all restrictions on the movement of citizens of Ukraine.

Second phase:

– Transitional period – 3 years. This period is necessary to return to civilian life and eliminate the consequences of hostilities.

– For three 3 years, a neutral status is introduced for those regions of Ukraine that have not yet held a referendum on self-determination.

– Cancellation of all illegal restrictions, sanctions, prohibitions against individuals and legal entities.

– Disarmament of punitive military formations.

– Amnesty and justification for all political prisoners who are kept in prisons on political grounds.

– The abolition of discriminatory norms against Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine, the implementation of democratic reforms, the return of pluralism of opinions, the liberation from racial prejudices.

– Formation on the basis of the Representation of the Ukrainian people of an interim people’s government under the security guarantees of all parties to the conflict (USA, EU and Russia).

– Introduction of security guarantees for the activities of representatives of all political parties and movements from all sides of the conflict (USA, EU and Russia).

– Ensuring safe campaigning for the transitional period.

– Creation of an international special group of prosecutors to investigate the facts of war crimes and terrorist acts in order to bring all those responsible to justice.

– Ensuring the safe operation of all media under the guarantees of the security of all parties to the conflict (USA, EU and Russia).

– For three years, holding referendums on self-determination in all regions of Ukraine, with the exception of those where a referendum on self-determination has already passed, namely Kherson, Zaporozhye, Lugansk, Donetsk regions, the city of Sevastopol and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Referendum questions:

1. For preservation of the region as part of Ukraine?

2. For independence with the subsequent right to join any country?

Those areas that have chosen “independence” can keep it, or apply for accession to the countries of the European Union or Russia.

Final provisions:

We call on all parties to the conflict not to conduct any negotiations without delegates from the Representation of the Ukrainian People. We have millions of Ukrainians behind us and, having a mandate of trust, we protect the interests of the Ukrainian people, any negotiations without representatives of the Ukrainian people are illegitimate.

This Peace Plan of the Ukrainian people will be officially and publicly sent to ALL parties to the conflict, indicating the list of delegates and coordinators from the Representation of the Ukrainian people for further work and negotiations.

We will officially and publicly send the Peace Plan of the Ukrainian people to all countries that are interested in a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine, in order to establish work in this direction.


Secretariat of the Representative Office of Ukrainian People


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