• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

The course of the Ukrainian people


Feb 1, 2023

Not indifferently watching what is happening in Ukraine, as the head of the Ukrainian political party “Derzhava”, banned by Zelensky, I believe that a public discourse about the future of the Ukrainian people is long overdue.

I am sure that I have full moral right on the part of Slavic forces to build an image of future for our people. Considering the fact that our team in Ukraine since 2013, as best as it could, without any support from the outside, resisted the Poroshenko’s regime and for this activity I had to spend two years and three months in prison since 2015 and even to receive a sentence of 9 years being accused under Article 258-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine “creation of a terrorist group”. Then, thanks to the media resonance and the support of our associates, it was possible to appeal the wrong verdict, cancel it and be temporarily released, but the criminal case for my “informational terrorism” was not being closed.

The Zelensky’s regime also saw in our activities only a “threat to its rule”, so as soon as we formed the political party “Derzhava” and worked for 9 months, the Zelensky’s regime, by acting through an ancient wild handy court located in city of Lviv, banned our political party under pretext of “threat to NATO’s national security”.

Afterwards, we continued our work, and the core of our party consists of hundreds of thousands of real people, and not a names on paper as required the Ministry of Justice, and our real people now either resist to NATO’s occupation in Ukraine on the battlefield, or were able to flee away, or are working behind the visual scenes to avoid reprisals by NATO’s special services. Many of our associates party members died in the fight against Nazism, one of them was a member of the political council of our party “Derzhava”, his name is Kirill Stremousov, who in the most difficult time after the outbreak of hostilities acted as deputy of the Kherson regional administration and gave his life for peace in our land.

It is worth to additionally note that before the mobilization in Russia, tens of thousands of Ukrainians served in different ranks at the Army of Russian Federation and other pro-Slavic paramilitary formations and are taking an active part in the Special Military Operation (SVO), they also hope for a quick and peaceful solution of the smoldering civil war in Ukraine, that war for many years was so abundantly cultivated by and from the embassies of countries of “Big Seven”.

It makes no sense now to talk about the fate of traitor of the Ukrainian people Mr. Zelensky, because he and his team in the confrontation between the United States and Russia chose a position to “kindly provide” our land and the Ukrainian people for “use” of NATO’s countries to form a “battlefield” between geopolitical opponents.

As a result, now the State of Ukraine exists only formally, because all key processes in the country are decided abroad. A vivid example of this is the “Armed Forces of Ukraine” (VSU). The appearance of this structure has remained the same (flag, symbols, subordination to the commander-in-chief, type of troops), but the content is completely different – weapons, military equipment, ammunition, uniforms, intelligence, target designations, drones, command and control systems, fuel, equipment, provisions, treatment of wounded staff and everything else has long been provided by Western countries of NATO. Also, according to the official statements of the Minister of Finance of Ukraine, the salaries of soldiers of all Armed Forces of Ukraine are paid by and with US money, the delay in the receipt of which is tantamount to “collapse of the Zelensky’s regime”. The command and troops orders, taking into account army chief Zaluzhny reports to American generals and politicians, are also given by NATO’s countries. Such model of governing Ukraine is enabling Western countries to recruit any number of Ukrainians into ranks of NATO troops in Ukraine in a “voluntary-compulsory” manner, thanks to Zelensky’s betrayal, and these is certainly extremely profitable and cheap for Western countries. After all, NATO can then use only their selected man of special forces in battles with the Russian army without mobilizing their population for war.

In order to have an idea of how to get out of this terrible situation for the Ukrainian people, I believe, it is necessary to pay attention to the “right of people for self-determination.” Exactly this norm countries of NATO always have interpreted in their favor before the UN, while Ukrainian people have not been granted such right for all the years of “independence” under any pretexts.

Unfortunately, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Ukrainian comprador “elite” did everything to prevent the Ukrainian people from making key decisions for the country with referendum, such opportunities of the Ukrainian people were always artificially limited by law, because the results of any referendum in Ukraine were only have “advisory character” for the authorities. That is why we live in a country in which 73% of the population want and vote for peace, and only one traitor, having power, sent all to war with Russia “in the name of preserving the dominance of the United States in the world” (if you believe to statements of Ms. Liz Truss, the head of the British Foreign Ministry on that time).

It is worth to recall here that according to the Ukrainian Constitution, it is the Ukrainian people are the “source of power”. But as soon as it comes to the referendum, to the real right to self-determination and the solution of key issues in the state, to the real people’s power, that Poroshenko, that Zelensky, that ambassadors of the “Big Seven”, all of those do everything to destroy such initiatives at the root.

We need to return the right of people of self-determination to the people so that the Ukrainians gain democracy and return the core merit meaning to the words which are written in the Constitution. Now it looks a like as an insanity, the Constitution talks about “sovereignty” and “independent three branches of power” (judicial, legislative and executive), and at the same time by the law Zelensky has approved full control over the appointment of ALL judges of the country as a “foreign experts” within and according to instructions provided by mentioned embassies of the “Big Seven”!

However, you can endlessly moan about the “injustice of existence and the insidiousness of enemies”, because millions of Ukrainians understand and realize all of the above.

Asking a fundamental question on occasion: what exactly should be done to stop the massacre and expel NATO troops with the regime of the traitor Zelensky?

The answer is not very easy, given the geopolitical scale of the tragedy and the maniacal desire of Western politicians to rule the world.

To answer we need to break it into two main parts.

The first part refers to Ukrainians abroad in the status of refugees, of which, according to the UN statistic there are already more than eight million people, at the same time in Russia and Belarus now are at least three million of those. All these people need to create a legitimate representation for themselves, because now all parties of the conflict, NATO countries and Russia, perceive these millions of people as a “silent mass”.

The second part is the work of the legitimate “representative office of the Ukrainian people” in the territory controlled by the Zelensky regime and NATO troops. As you know, now there is a total atmosphere of terror and anyone who opposes the regime will immediately find himself, at best, in prison. Because the existence of the legitimate “representative office of the Ukrainian people”, as a parallel state structure, deprives Zelensky’s monopoly of the right to “speak on behalf of the whole Ukraine” and, as a result, deprives of monopoly on violence, monopoly on right to govern the country, and so on.

Also, it is important to understand that the main factor of maintaining the power in the Zelensky’s regime now relayed in the country on the “armed forces”, which are now fully controlled by NATO countries due to complete dependence. Therefore, the path of liberation of the Ukrainian people rests on mid-level commanders, “under the gun of whom” hundreds of fighters are directly subordinate, who trust them more than Zelensky’s nonsense from a prompter. They swore an oath to the people of Ukraine, and not to NATO countries or Zelensky, because they, unlike their superior commanders, did not swear an oath to the international oligarchy and the structures of the North Atlantic Alliance during their foreign “advanced training courses”. And most important, during past year, ordinary fighters and mid-level commanders saw with their own eyes who, with whom and for what they are fighting with Russia for, and where the interests of ordinary people are in geopolitical adventures.

And if these commanders are not satisfied with the destruction of the Ukrainian people in the fire of the US war with Russia, they need to honestly accept following theses for themselves:

  1. I am against of NATO’s countries forces on our home land when they fighting with Russia by using the Ukrainian people.
  2. I stand for the right of the Ukrainian people for self-determination and democracy.
  3. I oppose the murder of Slavic brothers. With Russians, and without NATO, we would be able always and peacefully resolve all issues on the principles of mutual respect and justice.
  4. I swore an oath to the Ukrainian people, not to Zelensky and not to residents of NATO’s countries.
  5. I do not recognize the power of the traitor Zelensky, and together with the Ukrainian people I am ready to act within the framework of the formed new legitimate “representative office of the Ukrainian people”.

Only by this way we can clear the territory of Ukraine from the hybrid NATO occupation without millions of deaths and start talking about peace with Russia.

Now the situation is developing in such a way that circumstances themselves form the emergence of the “Ukrainian Hugo Chavez”, who will at least try to return power to the Ukrainian people by military means, build good sound relations with the Russian Federation and save, without exaggeration, millions of people from decades of bloody massacre on our land. Moreover, in the United States and in the European Union there are a lot of forces ready to agree to such transformations in Ukraine for peace with the Russian Federation, because there is a real possibility of a nuclear conflict between the countries, and this would end very sadly for all mankind.

I am convinced that now, the task of all Ukrainian sensible forces is to form all the conditions, at the international level, so that the military who have remained loyal to the Ukrainian people also have support within the country, both media and actual with everything is necessary, and we are working in this direction.

Given the fact that the old Ukrainian politicians for last 30 years of independence have completely discredited themselves and pushed the country into the abyss of bloodbath and chaos, forcing the Ukrainian people to pay for their comprador policy and bloody greed, it is extremely important to form in the near future new representative body of the Ukrainian people which stands away of past shameful policies.

In this direction, we have already done a lot of covered work, our team, in addition to me, includes many honored people who from the very beginning of hostilities did not sit in “quiet places”, but did everything possible to destroy Nazism on our land, they are Alexander Semchenko, Alexander Skubchenko, Pavel Onishchenko, Andrei Ponomar, Tamir Sheikh, Viktor Malafeev, Taras Nezalezhko and many others, whose names are too early to be announced.

Given the objective need to form a legitimate representation of the Ukrainian people, with the tool of direct participation of Ukrainian citizens not only abroad, but also in the territory temporarily controlled by Zelensky, a number of public events will soon be held that will be the beginning of the formation of a reliable foundation for peace in our land.

It is difficult to have realistic talk about other scenarios regarding the rapid liberation of the Ukrainian people, due to definite absence of democracy in present, the ban on all opposition parties, the blocking of all opposition media and open terror have completely buried such previous initiatives.

Dmytro Vasilets,
head of the political party “Derzhava
February 01, 2023

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