• Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Official position of the Derzhava Party on the issue of military operations in Ukraine


Nov 28, 2022

Having read the Resolutions of the XXII International Assembly of Communist and Workers’ Parties, held in Havana, on October 28-29, 2022, the Ukrainian political party “Derzhava”, as an active party banned by the Zelensky government and the party which is continue operating on the territory of Ukraine, relying on the aspirations of ordinary Ukrainian people, considers it necessary to also inform the participants of the meeting of its position on the issue of the war in Ukraine.


The fight against the aggressive military-industrial bloc NATO is a key task of the progressive forces of mankind

The peoples of the world are witnessing a rapidly escalating conflict between people and imperialism, between the deteriorating living conditions of ordinary people and the growing appetites of billionaires obsessed with the hunger for profit. Today, the level of class struggle continues to increase. Unable to cope with this and other contradictions, modern imperialism is becoming increasingly aggressive and dangerous for humanity. The imperialism uses trade restrictions, sanctions, embargoes, segregation, neonazism, terror, military conflicts, genocide, wars and threatens humanity with World War III with the use of nuclear weapons as was done in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

After the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the Imperialism, expanding its goals of seizing natural resources and territories, wishing to deprive the working people of the possibility of fighting for rights, continued the Nazi’s practice of using anticommunist ideology. To destroy the social achievements, it openly formed the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) with the aim of completely prohibiting the unification of the forces of the working people of different countries. Subsequently, the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) was renamed to the World League for Freedom and Democracy (WLFD) as a global center of Nazis followers with an antisocial-anticommunist ideology.

By taking away and oppressing the rights of the people of Ukraine in 2014, imperialism continues to illegally derive profits from wars. By popularizing segregation and Neonazism, it trained Ukrainian Nazis and hired mercenaries who led a punitive operation against the population of the Donbass region. Under the guise of expanding freedom and democracy in Ukraine, the expansion of the internal national conflict began in the next phase of a new, even more widespread war. Throughout Ukraine, since 2014, they began to kill Russian people on the basis of nationality and introduced segregation for Russian-speaking and Orthodox Christians praying in Russian language. Copying Hitler’s Nazi Reich, the Ukrainian Neonazi’s government began to persecute and arrest pacifists, i.e. those who, while maintaining national authenticity, want to live in peace and harmony with neighboring fraternal peoples. The Neonazis throughout Ukraine began to mock graves, destroy Soviet monuments of national heroes and cultural figures, destroy works of art and books in libraries.

Today, the imperialism of the three largest super rich by capital families, of Duponts, of Rothschilds, and of Rockefellers, uses the WLFD and relies on the controlled puppet governments of dozens of countries. As a global despot, they organized and manages the aggressive military-industrial bloc NATO. The Imperialism uses ideology of Nazis and Nazis-Banderivets to expand Neonazism in Europe and Asia. The Materials of the Nuremberg Tribunal define the Nazis-Banderivets as of Nazi’s controlled collaborators and accomplices, Hitler’s closest accomplices. The dirty political, financial, economic and military resources of the mentioned super rich families, today are aimed at the destruction of the Russian population in Ukraine and the continuation of the colonization of Russia using Neonazism.

Many communist’s, socialist’s, workers’ and other parties of the world support legitimate and just resistance to the neo-Nazism of the inhabitants of the Donbass region. The Nazis-Banderivets want to destroy these residents. For more than 8 years, bearing sacrifices and deprivations, being on the verge of destruction, the Russian population in Ukraine is courageously fighting for their civil rights, for human rights. In February 2022, supporting the legitimate and just struggle of the Russian population of Ukraine, the residents of the Donbass region, the Lugansk People’s Republic, the Donetsk People’s Republic, according to their numerous requests, the Russian people of the Russian Federation helped and allocated a small group of militaries for special military operation to establish peace and disarm the Nazis-Banderivets.

Residents of Ukraine who want peace, united by the Political Party “Derzhava”, victims of genocide, segregation and Neonazism pay attention to their legitimate rights and demand:

– the immediate cessation of financing of bankrupt government of Nazis-Banderivets;

– the immediate cessation of the transfer of weapons to Nazis-Banderivets government;

– the immediate cessation of all military actions of the aggressive military-industrial bloc NATO and its withdrawal from Ukraine;

– the immediate cessation of genocide and segregation of the Russian population.

We express our solidarity with the international protest against the spread of the policies of Neonazism, Antisovietism and Russophobia in all countries, and especially in Europe.

We stand in solidarity with the protest against the aggression of the United States and against all members of the aggressive military-industrial bloc NATO who earn money on waging wars.

We express our solidarity with all Communist’s and Workers’ Parties gathered in Havana to discuss the most important for all world modern issues of condemnation of sanctions, blockades, neonazism and terror directed by imperialism against the working people of different countries.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

International department

Marina Golovaha

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