• Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Declaration of Protection of the People of Ukraine

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  • Declaration of Protection of the People of Ukraine

We, the multinational people of Ukraine, proceed from the fact that all people are equal and endowed with rights that no one can to alienate. Such rights include the right to life, liberty, personal inviolability, happiness, and others. States and governments are formed by people in order to secure these rights. If any form of government becomes detrimental to the goal itself, the people have the right to change this form, or completely abolish it and establish new forms of government. This, in particular, follows from the norms enshrined in Art. 5 of the Constitution, which exclusively for the people secures “the right to determine and change the constitutional order in Ukraine.”
A long series of abuses and violence in the country now, calls into question the actual existence of the people. In these circumstances, the inaction of every Ukrainian is equal to a crime before the future. As a result of the 2014 followed by occupation of the country, Ukrainian people were on the verge of physical extermination. The anti-popular policy of the authorities of traitors and collaborators in all spheres of public life has led to the fact that on the territory of our country there are fierce battles of geopolitical opponents at the expense of Ukrainians, mortality has increased at a record, the birth rate, on the contrary, has decreased to a historical minimum. The troubles organized by the occupiers in our country led to the fact that millions of Ukrainians have left their homes since 2014: they simply could not survive in their homeland. All this can be summed up with a single word: genocide, which was organized by transnational corporations against of Ukrainian people, that camped in western countries and build their own well-being by parasitizing on the misfortunes of other people.
We say, “Enough, it is enough!” we do not want to go to the slaughterhouse like weak-willed slaves, and do not want to protect the interests of others who is against of us. We take our own destiny, the fate of our born and unborn descendants into our own hands. We proclaim the restoration of our sovereignty and sovereignty of the Ukrainian people. We are restoring democracy.


The military actions of geopolitical opponents, the arena of which is the territory of our state, accelerated the processes of destruction of the Ukrainian people. On the battlefields on both sides of the conflict the Ukrainian people are killed, hundreds of thousands of our the best sons and daughters: Some of them die defending their land, their people, their past and future; Others, with consciousness poisoned by combat cognitive technologies that have been developed and improved by Western countries for decades, ill mind people are raping and destroying Ukrainians, kill their own siblings, parents and children, protecting as nonhuman beings possibilities of plundering the resources of our land. The time when this battle of brothers unfolds is what we call a Special period of danger, because the very existence of the Ukrainian people is threatened.


In accordance to Art. 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the people are the bearers of sovereignty and the only source of power in Ukraine. As fixed in Art. 69 of this main law, the people can exercise their powers both, indirectly through the bodies of state power and local self-government created by them, and directly in referendums, elections and through other forms of direct democracy. People’s sovereignty and the right of peoples to determine their own destiny is the basis of the existing international law and order, enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. The will of the people is the highest law. Usurpation of the will of the people is the most serious crime.
We, the people of Ukraine, find guilty of this crime all those who organized the coup d’état of 2014, having gained control of state power in a manner not provided for in the Constitution, grossly violating the requirements of Article 108 of this main law. All those who contributed to the formation of the NATO occupation regime are outlawed. We, the people of Ukraine, also withdraw the mandate of trust obtained through fraud in the 2019 presidential elections in Ukraine by the state traitor Mr. Zelensky Volodymyr Oleksandrovych, born on 25.01.1978., a native of the city of Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region. We remove Mr. Zelensky V.O. from his duties as head of the Ukrainian state and warn everyone: the execution of decrees and orders, given by Mr. Zelensky V.O. make fulfillers to become accomplices in his crimes. We order all officers who remained faithful to the oath of the people of Ukraine to immediately arrest Mr. Zelensky and his minions as of traitors with transferring them to the Court of Justice that authorized by the Ukrainian people for a fair trial.
We, the people of Ukraine, cannot trust people who have disgraced themselves with crimes committed against us. The traitor of the Ukrainian people Mr. Zelensky V.O., firstly, realizing the perniciousness of Ukraine’s course towards rapprochement with NATO, continued this self-destructive course; secondly, he blocked the implementation of the Minsk agreements. This way, he did everything to actually unleash the war between NATO countries and Russia on the territory of Ukraine. Thus, he betrayed Ukrainian people and caused the death of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians on both sides of the geopolitical confrontation.
In accordance with Art. 69 of the Constitution, “the popular will is exercised through elections, referendums, and other forms of direct democracy.” That means that any form of direct intervention of the people in the management of the life and fate of the country is legitimate. In the emergency conditions of genocide, we are forced to make an extraordinary decision – the decision to establish the Representative Office of Ukrainian People, the legitimacy of which is confirmed by the All-People’s Meeting (Veche) through transparent voting using the communication capabilities of the “Diia” platform on the nrvch.com website, which was created with the funding from the Ukrainian people, for our money, and our other technical means.
We proclaim that all amendments to the Constitution and legislation of Ukraine adopted by representatives of the occupational regime are void and rejected, any follow to their legal norms is equal to crime committed against the people of Ukraine. In particular, we are talking about mobilization measures introduced by the occupiers, who are trying to destroy the best representatives of the Ukrainian people, throwing them to death as cannon fodder. We warn that all persons participating in these activities will face the most severe punishment.
We understand that many people have been deceived, and now, when the truth has been revealed in its core entirety, we, the people of Ukraine, are giving to military, to security forces, to judges, to prosecutors, to civil servants and to local government officials and others who acts under mentioned deception and found themselves in service of the occupation regime, the possibility to step on a side of the Ukrainian people. We, Ukrainian people, guarantee you forgiveness and avoidance of punishment for crimes committed in the service of traitors and occupants (depending on the effectiveness of your repentance).
Any actions of the armed forces against the occupation regime led by the traitor of the Ukrainian people Mr. Zelensky V.O., who calls himself as of president of Ukraine (or anyone else who can lead the traitors who usurped power in Ukraine, after him), counted by the Ukrainian people as actions aimed at protecting the freedom, independence and sovereignty of Ukraine, protecting the life, honor, dignity and well-being of every Ukrainian. We regard this struggle as resistance to the violence of state criminals who betrayed Ukrainian people. We emphasize that such actions will be strongly supported and approved by the Ukrainian people and legitimate Representative Office of Ukrainian People.


As the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Ukraine, we, the Ukrainian people, make decisions aimed at combating economic genocide, the policy which has been introduced by the occupation authorities since February, 2014 and multiplying prices and tariffs for housing and communal services and energy carriers. We recognize the illegality of all rates increases in housing and communal services and gas and electricity prices that occurred after February 21, 2014. At the same time, we decide to cancellation all debts of citizens of Ukraine, as well as domestic enterprises and entrepreneurs for housing and communal services and for energy resources.


We, the Ukrainian people, are making a decision to establish the Ukraine as a state based on the principles of the rule of law, which is reflected in Art. 1 of the Main Law. We proceeded from the fact that the highest manifestation of justice is the absolute equality of Ukrainian citizens before the law. Usurpers, invaders and traitors were broke the principle of justice in the first place, and they first turned the right into a document that covers committed crimes, and then completely threw the law into the dustbin of history, replacing the force of law, by the law of force. We proclaim the restoration of justice in Ukraine: from now on we have no higher or lower ones, no privileged or disenfranchised. All citizens are equal before the law, no one will escape responsibility for crimes, and everyone will be rewarded for loyalty to the people, labor valor and victory on the battlefield.
Taking into account the letter and spirit of Art. 157 of the Constitution, we proclaim and denounce and void all changes made to the Main and other laws of Ukraine by representatives of the occupation regime. This means that any grounds for punishing all persons who were convicted for actions that the occupiers and usurpers recognized as crimes, by their decisions, disappear. Political prisoners who were convicted under those articles of the criminal code that were introduced after February 21, 2014 are subject to immediate release. And also, all persons who was involved in the development, adoption and execution of illegal decisions are subject to prosecution, because, according to Art. 60 of the Constitution, no one is obliged to carry out criminal orders.


In a special period, we cannot count on the bodies of state power and local self-government, which at least since the coup d’état of 2014 continue to serve the interests of the enemies of the Ukrainian people, contributing in every possible way to the physical, cultural, historical destruction of Ukrainians. The number of terrible crimes against humanity is measured in hundreds of thousands and millions. Can we hope that these criminals will suddenly come to their senses, reject anti-popular policies and begin to serve the Ukrainian people? No!
Extraordinary times require extraordinary solutions. We, the multinational people of Ukraine, in accordance with Art. 69 of the Constitution of Ukraine, realizing its sovereignty through other means of direct democracy, made decision to temporarily transfer all the powers of state authorities and local self-government bodies, the prosecutor’s office, courts of all jurisdictions to a specially created body for the execution of the will of the people of Ukraine – to the Representative Office of Ukrainian People, which will act exclusively during an emergency period, upon completion of which it transfers all delegated powers to those formed authorities that we, the Ukrainian people consider as necessary. In this case, we proceed from the fact that in accordance with Art. 5 of the Constitution, only the people determine and change the constitutional order in the country.
The Representative Office of Ukrainian People is proclaimed the only legitimate representation of the Ukrainian people. The main task of its mission is to preserve the Ukrainian people as a sovereign entity that enjoys all rights and in order to ensure the right of self-determination.


We empower the Representative Office of Ukrainian People with broad powers due to the scale of the tasks that we set for this collegial body. We demand that the Representative Office of Ukrainian People as soon as possible take all necessary measures to:

  • Deprivation of power and authority and abilities to speak on behalf of the people of Ukraine of all representatives of the occupational regime led by Mr. Zelenskyy Volodymyr Oleksandrovych, who calls himself the President of Ukraine, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, guarantor of the Constitution of Ukraine.
  • Bringing to justice before the people of Ukraine those guilty for organizing and carrying out a coup d’état, as well as usurpation of power in Ukraine, suppression of the rights and freedoms of Ukrainians, robbery of the Ukrainian people’s assets, incitement of hostility and war on the territory of Ukraine and abroad.
  • Restore the peace and tranquility, sustainable development of the people in their own big home.
  • Supply the main right to all administrative-territorial units to exercise the right of self-determination (in accordance with Article 73 of the Constitution, which gives the All-Ukrainian referendum the right to resolve issues related to the territorial structure of Ukraine).
  • Establish a Strategic Council of experienced and well-known representatives of the Ukrainian people to develop proposals for the policy implemented by the Representative Office of Ukrainian People.
  • Perform other tasks aimed at overcoming the troubles «Ruin» that fell to the lot of the Ukrainian people as a result of the conspiracy of internal traitors and aggression of other countries.
    We approve the following personal composition of people’s representatives, from which the

Representative Office of Ukrainian People is formed:

  1. Vasilets Dmitry Andreevich
  2.  Onishchenko Pavel Alexandrovich
  3. Skubchenko Alexander Vladimirovich
  4. Semchenko Oleksandr Anatoliiovych
  5. Malafeev Victor Vasilyevich
  6. Ponomar Andrey Alekseevich
  7. Shikhaleev Maksim Viktorovich

We delegate to the Representative Office of Ukrainian People the authority at its meetings and with a simple majority of votes to co-opt into its composition, or to withdraw from its composition certain representatives of the Ukrainian people.
The distribution of responsibilities between the members of the Representative Office of Ukrainian People and decision-making is carried out at its meetings and determined by a simple majority of votes.
The Representative Office of Ukrainian People is authorized to create any bodies, endowing them with the powers (within the delegated rights of their own powers of the Representative Office of Ukrainian People) necessary to perform the assigned tasks.


The Ukrainian people have the absolute right to decide their own destiny. Only the will of the people determines their path to the future. No one is given the right to usurp this will. Only the Representative Office of Ukrainian People has the right to speak on behalf of the people.
Given the special period of geopolitical confrontation between Russia and NATO countries on the territory of Ukraine and the threat of genocide looming over the Ukrainian people, we provide possibility to exercise the right of self-determination for individual communities and amalgamation of Ukrainian communities.
After the end of the special period, we, the Ukrainian people, reserve the right, in accordance with Articles 5 and 73 of the Constitution, to reconsider the issues of the Constitutional order and territorial structure, taking into account the realities of given time.


The Ukrainian people, as a subject of international law through authorized bodies, carries out relations with foreign states, participates in the activities of international organizations to the extent necessary to effectively ensure the interests of the people in all spheres of life.
We recognize that loans granted by foreign states and international financial organizations after February 21, 2014 only as personal obligations of representatives of the occupation regime, for which Ukrainian people bear no responsibility.
NATO countries that are interested in restoring good relations with the Ukrainian people should cover the costs incurred by Ukrainians as a result of the coup d’état organized by them and the activities they support occupation regimes. The amount and form of compensation, as well as the term of its payment, is determined by the Representative Office of Ukrainian People.
All licenses and permits for development of extraction of natural resources, mining, use of subsoil and natural resources of Ukraine issued to trans-national corporations of foreign origin, as well as enterprises, the ultimate beneficiaries all who cooperated with the occupation regime are declared as void and denounced. The owners of the revoked permits and licenses are obliged to compensate the people of Ukraine for losses caused by the exploitation of natural resources within 5 years.
Agricultural land illegally sold by the occupation regime to foreign companies and citizens, as well as citizens of Ukraine (and enterprises formed by them) who cooperated with the occupation regime, is returned to the property of the Ukrainian people. For five years, the former owners undertake to compensate the people for the losses and expenses caused by the exploitation of that land.


The Office of Ukrainian People Representatives, having received the support of the people of Ukraine at the All-Ukrainian Meeting (Veche), should give to the people an opportunity to self-determine the further path of development and unity of the Slavic peoples. This is the most important task, for the fulfillment of which we, the people of Ukraine, hand over to the Office of Ukrainian People Representatives the highest mandate of our trust.
The voting for this declaration has started on March 5, 2023.